
DeeTee Industries

DeeTee Industries is one of the pioneers in indigenous manufacture of international quality custom built industrial tools for sheet metal welded tube and wire/ bar rod mill industry. In an incredibly short period of just 42 years of establishment, DeeTee products have come to symbolise the zenith of excellence in the field of production and marketing of quality industrial tools.

Slitting Line Tooling

DeeTee offers a complete range of Slitting Line Tooling confirming to international standards – Rotary Metal Slitting knives, Metal Spacers, Rubber bonded spacers, stripper rings, Over arm Separator Discs, shims and other preci- sion tools. Heat treated in salt bath furnaces, DeeTee’s slitting line tooling has the highest degree of hardness uniformity and the ideal metallurgical properties to slit any metal.

Leveler / Flattener Rolls

Being very small in diameter and longer in length, this is the most difficult item to make amongst all the rolls. DeeTee is the only com- pany in India who is manufacturing the leveler rolls from the route of induction hardening. The minimum diameter leveler roll that DeeTee is manufacturing is of 25mm dia.

Metal Processing Rolls

Proper designing, selection of raw material, salt bath heat-treatment, and CNC finished profiles help to maximize the tonnage per re- grind and yields quality end products.

Shafts & Arbors

Shafts are the machine members, mostly cylindrical in cross-section, which support the revolving parts of a machine, such as pulley, gear, fly-wheel, etc. Shaft not only supports a revolving part but also transmits torque. As a result, the shaft is subjected to bending as well as torsional stresses.

Sendzimir Rolls

Sendzimir Mill / Cluster Mill Rolls, 20 Hi Mill Rolls comprises of Work Rolls , 1st intermediate rolls,2nd intermediate rolls,Z hi Mill rolls, and back-up bearings. work rolls are very small in diameter.